Local shared objects, also known as Flash cookies, store data between visits to flash content in the same way an Internet browser stores cookies from visited websites. Flash cookies are totally separate from browser cookies, and are not under the control of the Internet browser, so restricting cookie use and clearing all stored cookies in a browser has no effect, and leaves the Flash cookies set. This can represent a privacy risk, as a user may think they have wiped all the stored history from a computer, only for the Flash cookies to remain.
Open an Internet browser, and navigate to the Adobe Flash Player "Settings Manager" on the Adobe website, which controls how the Flash Player behaves on your computer. It is easy to mistake the settings panel for an image, but it is a live application using the Flash Player browser plug-in, and displays your local settings.
Click on the "Website Storage Settings Panel" link from the main settings menu, or click the tab with the yellow folder icon and green arrow in the settings box to view the storage settings.
Click on a website from the "Visited Websites" section of the panel, and then click "Delete Website" to remove the Flash cookies for that particular site. Click the "Delete All Sites" button to remove all the Flash cookies stored on your computer.