How to Create an APN in a Samsung Galaxy

The Access Point Network, also known as the APN, is the configuration your cell phone service provider assigns to your device to connect and use to the mobile network. If you change providers or your provider assigns your account a different APN, you can create a new APN on your Samsung Galaxy to connect to the mobile network. You may also need to manually create an APN to configure your MMS service and other apps that access the Internet, depending on your cell service.

Press the “Menu” button, then tap the gear icon to open the Settings menu.

Tap the “Wireless and Networks” option, then tap “Mobile Networks.”

Tap the “Access Point Names” option to open the APN Settings screen.

Press the “Menu" key, then tap the “New APN” option. The New APN form opens.

Tap “Name” and type the name of the APN. Tap the “Back” button to return to the New APN screen.

Tap the “APN” option, then type the APN IP address or domain name provided by your cell service. Tap the “Back” button to return to the form.

Tap “Username,” then type the username provided by your cell company. Tap “Password” and enter the password. Tap “Back” to return to the New APN form.

Tap the “Proxy” and “Port” options if your cell company requires a proxy or a specific port configured for the APN. If your cell service provides additional settings, such as MMSC, MMS Proxy, MMS Port, MCC or MNC, tap the option, then type in the settings. Tap the "Back" button to return to the New APN form.

Tap “Authentication Type,” then select the authentication type provided by your cell service. Tap "Back" to return to the form.

Tap “APN Type” and select the APN type you are configuring.

Press the “Menu” button, then tap “Save” to save the new APN settings.